Sunday, May 11, 2008

I All...

Well, where should I start things off....Let's see....okay, here is it. Yesterday night, I have song leaded in praise and worship during the service. It was the first time I felt so helpless, so useless, or to expressed in a better way, so 'beh' I should say...haha.....well, yes, because everything seems was out of control, piano not working at first, which causes the pianist and synthesizer to swicth keyboard at times....everything seems just so out of control. But I remembered a lesson tought by our Youth Leader today, Surrender, All. I have to admit it that at times, I do know that I need to surrender, but not All, because I think that there are something that I can do on my own, so no need to ask God to help then....but I was so wrong and I told God that night:"God, I surrnder my All to You.." And guess what, the whole Praise & Worship was simply awesome, they were 'new' musician & vocalist, but praise the Lord they seem like they have been there for years....God is so awesome, and He wants us to surrender all to Him, not because He is a Autocrat but the fact He wants us to learn to depend on Him....To all the youth out there: When you felt helpless and everything seems out of control, surrender it to God, surrender your studies, relationship, work, everything including your Life, let Him guide you and lead you...all means everything, for He is the one who love us more than we love ourself....

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