Thursday, November 5, 2009

1 year and more to go!

It has been a year, 2 months and 20 days since we have pledged and committed ourselves to be together. Yes, this is me and my beloved lover, Lea Yee.

Isn't she beautiful? Well, its kind of amazing on how a nerd like me could get such a beautiful girl as my soul mate, its a weird plan God has in mind, but hey, I would be more than happy to be in this weird plan! Many things we have gone through together; Happy times, arguments, surprices, all-that-you-want we have it!
Well, particularly, she doesn't like the way i dress myself, well, she would label me as ugly, or disgusting hair style, but hey, 9 out 10 she is right! Amazing right, but its true, I got to have to buck up myself to be more fashionable, anyone offering a hand? For example how to tell myself to love fashion more books? Thats how she thinks of me, I love my books more than my outlook. Haha, but its kinda fun though because I get to have free fashion advice from her, I love her style, and I love to shop with her, especially recently, she had brought this shop-for-your-need-anytime mindset to me, got to get used to it. =)
People always sees us as a very sweet couple, yes indeed we are! But behind the sweet impression we have work very hard behind the scene, to know each other more, to discuss about our differences, our opinions on things and our future, we have done all those behind close door, and we ripe the fruits! Arguments, or shall I say discussion made us understands more about each other. There were even times when we felt frustrated on each other, but with thorough discussion, prayer and little sweet surprices, the relationship reached another level.
And now, after 1 year plus plus, our relationship is indeed, very very firm. Though still not reach unbreachable, but thats our aim for the years to come.
A letter of committment to Lea Yee:
I will love you for who you are, love you unconditionally. In whichever way I could, I will do my best to fullfill your needs. I will be your listener and will lend a shoulder for you if you need. Whenever you need me, I will be there for you physically, if not in any other possible way. Love you forever with all I could.
A letter of committment to Jesus Christ:
Dear Jesus, thanks for you leadership in this relationship. Please continue to guide us, lead us, so that we would love you more than we love each other. Help us to be focus on you, help us to be more mature, help us to cling on you and stand firm in you. Jesus, we love you, I love you!


Anonymous said...

Wah!! young people nowaday so haha...Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you.
May the Lord strengthen your relationship.


Jerry said...

hahaha... well... not all can be so open, it takes enormous courage n inner strength!!!

god bless you my man~