An epic example of never stop fighting, when you had fell, come right back up and fight again.
It is easy to be condemned in past failures, bragging about it all our lives and that's it, there goes our lives, wasted due to our failure to get right up when we fell. Great man and women in the history were not great because they did not failed in their lives, they were great because of how they overcame their failures and moved on to make success in their lives. Abraham Lincoln overcoming time and time of election defeats and finally being elected as the president of the United States; Thomas Edison overcoming times of failure in finding the right material to make the lgiht bulb and so many more other great man and women in the history.
There are 2 example in the bible that we could use to illustrate what differences it could be when we decide to either condemn ourselves in failure, or to move on from it.
King David (2 Samuel 11-12)
In the story of King David, recorded in 2 Samuel, had sinned against God, by committing adultery and set up the husband of the women whom he had gone to bed with, to death ultimately. Knowing this, God sent a prophet in the name of Nathan, to rebuke him and pointing out what he had done wrong and immediately King David confessed and asked forgiveness from God. A King we are talking about, he could have just ordered marshalls to take Nathan down and put him to sentence because of accusing the king. But he did not, he knew what was wrong and switfly admitting it and submitting to God once again. He then became one of the greatest king in the history of Israel and God stated in Acts 13:22 :"I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my heart..".
Apostle Peter (John 18,21)
Apostle Peter was one of the greatest apostle the bible had ever recorded. But one of his most infamous act was his denial of Jesus during Jesus' presecution, which then led to a temporary heart breaking period for Peter. But in chapter 21 Jesus talked to Paul and 3 times He asked Peter whether he loves Him, and all 3 times Peter said yes. Peter had 2 choices, one is to condemn himself to what he had done, or two to accept God's love and grace and bounce back to serve Him more. Peter chose the latter, and because of that He went on to spread the word of God so passionately that 3000 accepted Christ in one of His sermon.
So my friends, I urged you that in life, all man and women would fail in one way or another. The question you should ask yourself is not how could I possible fail, or fall but to ask yourself where do I go from now, do I stay one and keep bragging about my failure or to take the failure as a lesson so that you will never let it happen again?
The decisions are yours to be made.
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