Monday, August 16, 2010

2 years on

2 years together,

2 years together we've been through much. Joy, sorrow, disappointment, surprises, happiness, and contentment, just to add to the endless list. Really thank God for holding us together, and most importantly know each other deeper and deeper as time passes.

I still remember the very first time we held our hands, the first very first time we spent a 2 person time in KFC, and in KFC I was studying Physics, she was studying management, that was the start.

2 years on, so many things we've been through together and so many things that we've done together. I'm very proud of her, she had grown so much and now we serve together in church, in youth, in sunday school, even sometimes in cell. Thank God for this same vision that He had impanted in us, because we may make mistakes, but God never will.

And today, 16th of August 2010 is the 2nd aniversarry of our courtship and I believe its only the second year to the many years that would follow through. Today when we talked about our courtship, we were imagining ourselves as the old man in the cartoon animation "Up". The touching stories of the man and his wife were in our imagination and we hope that one day we would still be that sweet and loving even every hair that we have had turn grey, but of course, with children! =)

Before today she was so supportive to me as she waits patiently for my finals to end. I really thank God for an understanding companion like her, she is my soul mate, she is my lover, she is lim lea yee.

Hopefully the dinner we had yesterday would not deprive us from this joy of our 2nd aniversary! I love you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awhh, so sweet of you, tears rolling in eyes, love beating in my heart, thank you babe, muah! I love you!